Saturday, December 21, 2019

Boys and Girls by Alice Munro - 817 Words

Society tries to place many rules upon an individual as to what is acceptable and what is not . One must decide for themselves whether to give in to these pressures and conform to society’s projected image, or rather to resist and maintain their own desired self image. In the story â€Å"Boys and Girls† by Alice Munro, Munro suggests that this conflict is internal and external and a persons experiences in life will determine which of these forces will conquer. In terms of the unnamed protagonist’s experiences in the story, it becomes clear just how strong the pressure of society to conform really is, as it overcomes and replaces the girl’s self image. In order to better understand the conflict, first we must define what conformity and self†¦show more content†¦Although seemingly unimportant to the storyline, the presence of the foxes and horses play a major role in the story, as they symbolize the sides of the conflict between conformity and self image. The foxes represent conformity; they all live in the same routine, are controlled by others in their environment, and are both literally and metaphorically locked in a cage. The narrator’s environment is much like the foxes, controlling. Her parent’s subtle hints, whether it be her mother’s comments or her father’s tasks, are slowly but surely enclosing on her like a cage, and will soon trap her. The horses however, try as hard as they can, much like the narrator, to roam free for as long as possible, seemingly unaware of the forces acting against them in an attempt to deny them their freedom. For the horses, this force was the narrator’s father, who felt that they had a purpose to be served, in the narrator’s case, it was her mother’s thought that she had a place to be served as well; inside the home. In the case of the foxes and horses, neither win, as they both die in the end, much like people. However, although the horse’s lives end much sooner, they get to experience something that the foxes do not, and that is freedom. The protagonist’s desire for freedom is clearly desirable as she expresses her resistance to conform to societies ideals by continuing to do things against the norm, â€Å"thinking that by such measures [she] keptShow MoreRelatedBoys and Girls by Alice Munro1683 Words   |  7 Pagesagainst societys ideas of how gender roles should be, as well as threats of a feminist influence on some issues are found in Boys and Girls composition written by Alice Munro. In this story, the main character, who appears to be an unnamed girl, faces her awakening body and the challenge of developing her social identity in a mans world. 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The disobedience in â€Å"Boys and Girls† is clarified in Erich Fromm’s essay, â€Å"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem (DPMP).† The narrator of â€Å"Boys and Girls† goes through different phases of obedience due to her â⠂¬Å"authoritarianRead MoreThe Story Of Boys And Girls Alice Munro Analysis775 Words   |  4 Pageshousehold works and his opinion was never considered. The Story of Boys and Girls Alice Munro, the narrated whose name is never oversized passed by the situation that she did not want to follow the example of his mother because she wanted to be helping his father out of housework. The protagonist of the story of Munro, unidentified by a name, goes through a radical and radical initiation into adulthood. The creation of Alice Munro of a female protagonist with no name and, therefore, unworthy, proposesRead MoreGender Roles In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro1192 Words   |  5 PagesHistorically, gender roles determined one’s course of life. Learning from generations past and how a person is raised, teaches one what is expected of them in the future. In Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls†, the expectations of each gender determines the narrator’s role in society and who she becomes. This story is set in the mid twentieth century, a time where men and women were seen as having different purposes in life (Jade Mazarin). Throughout the story, it is portrayed that men wereRead MoreAnalysis Of Alice Munro s Boys And Girls 1311 Words   |  6 Pagese roles and expectations of different characters in Alice Munro’s â€Å" Boys and Girls†: While gender roles have been very important in society, the expectations of men and women are very different than each other, based off society’s views. Men are the superior of the household that hold the more physical tasks of hunting, building, and striving for survival. 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